
The Theatre of Reflection was founded in 1991 to explore the interface between theatre and dramatherapy. We were interested in the stories of our clients, our own autobiographical stories and the universal story of Everyman/Woman mirrored within these which formed themes we chose to explore in our work.

The aim of this company is to produce cutting edge theatre, using long periods of rehearsal to devise performance pieces which are only developed into a final script once the material has been deeply worked with and is ready to be shaped into a finished form. I have been the artistic director of the company since 1992 and bring in theatre practitioners, performers and musicians for each new piece as required as well as continuing my own performance practice with the company.

The unique story you have to tell is essential to the completion of the all-inclusive story of the Universe. (John Moat)

I have a particular interest in devised and autobiographical theatre and in finding ways of portraying this using text, music and movement/dance. The productions shown here are 'The Tragedy of Ophelia' (The Theatre Museum, London), 'Thursday's Child' (The Pentameters Theatre, London), 'When Angels Speak', (Sprechwerk Theatre, Hamburg) and in development.